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Day 11 – 'If you build, He will come' (Field of Dreams)

Timothy Bruce

Updated: Jul 26, 2019

Field of Dreams is one of my favourite films of all time and is about pursuing your hopes and dreams and seeing the impact that this has on others. Today was evidence of this for me as i pursue this dream of my American adventure.

One of the great things about this trip is the chance to serve people who are in need along the way. Yesterday, there were 6 households that benefitted from the Fuller Center’s charity work as the 35 people in the team were set to work on different peoples’ homes in and around Kellogg in Idaho. This ranged from building new decks, new floors, plumbing, door repairs to gardening (yard work) and painting.

Linda Burgdorf and I had the chance to serve a lady in the nearby town Osburn who’s house was in need of external redecoration, particularly the fascias and soffits of the two storey building. This meant climbing on ladders and scraping off loose paint from the timber boards, preparing them for repainting and then coating them again with new paint. It was agreed that some timber round the windows needed to be replaced and Mike Kramer, who was working with us, agreed to come back and sort those matters out at a later time. I had to avoid upsetting some ‘yellow jackets’ who had obviously built a nest in the roof and, thankfully, I avoided getting stung.

I have to confess that I am rapidly broadening my appreciation from American food and homemade lemonade and chilled watermelon out of the fridge whilst you are working in the sun has to qualify as an essential part of life.

Later in the afternoon I was back in Kellogg and wearing one of the orange Fuller Center t-shirts we were all issued with and a young couple came over and enquired about who we were and what we were doing. I was really touched when the man put his hand into his pocket and gave me everything he had. It may have only been $10 but it demonstrated a generous heart. I love that. Society would be a much better place if we could all respond so quickly like that. Society is not built on what you can get out of it but what you put into it.

In the evening, after all the work had been done, the Fuller Center team were invited over to dinner by a church in Pinehurst who treated to a great feast. The tables were beautifully decorated along with candles and we sought to share tables with some of the congregation who had worked so hard on preparing the food. Generally, people continue to be amazed that a guy from England would come to help out local people in need of housing support, however, the more I do this, the more natural it all seems to be. I am doing something I love and the people are genuine in appreciating the efforts being made. How can that not be satisfying?!

Day off tomorrow, so may wander along to the massive Walmart store about 3 miles away and pick up a spare pair of reading glasses as one pair I brought with me fell apart and I could not find the missing connector. Of course, I could cycle along there to save time but I am keen to allow my backside to be ready for next week’s cycling as we venture into Montana. Without doubt new lifetime memories will be forged as I continue to feast on the beauty of creation and the abundance of this nation.

Happy Father’s Day everyone!!


1 commento

Timothy Bruce
21 giu 2019

Mi piace

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